Pink Dot HK 2024 #10PDHK #WeAreFabu10us

年度LGBTIQA+社群盛事 Pink Dot HK 設有音樂會、論壇和大量攤位活動,以文娛兼具教育性活動,繼續推進多元共融理念。

The LGBTIQA+ community event Pink Dot HK will continue to promote the values of diversity and inclusivity through a variety of entertaining and educational programs, including free concert, forums and many booths with infotainment activities!

Pop Up Store

by Pink Dot HK

想有彩虹點綴一身打扮?嚟【 Pop Up Store 】即買即用就基本啦😛 又支持到Pink Dot營運🎉 

Want to add a splash of rainbow to your outfit? Come to the [Pop Up Store] to shop and use your items right away, that’s just the basics 😛 Plus, you’ll be supporting Pink Dot’s operations 🎉 


WE NEED YOU! 召喚每一個你!


Everyone has limitless power within them. We need each and every one of you to come together in support of diversity and inclusion, using action, love, and strength to build the LGBTIQA+ community! We sincerely invite you and your friends to join this year’s volunteer team. Click the link below now and join our volunteer squad!


2023 limited edition merchandise

Our 2023 themed collection is here. Come and explore our limited edition merchandise. 千呼萬喚嘅周邊商品出爐啦!


Big thank you


Upcoming events

Pink Dot HK 2023