Our Event
Our Organizers
香港一點粉紅,是由香港註冊社團 “Pink Dot” 主辦,聯席籌委成員包括本地多個同志組織代表。第一屆「香港一點粉紅」, 於2014年舉辦,過往接近十年已成為香港最大型年度LGBT+盛事。活動主旨是透過文娛、互動和富教育性的節目,增加大眾對 LGBTQIA+ 社群的認識,消除歧視,尊重差異。每年透過免費戶外嘉年華會和音樂會,與眾同樂,推進多元共融理念。
Pink Dot Hong Kong is organized by a registered organization called “Pink Dot” in Hong Kong, with joint committee members representing various local LGBTQ+ groups. The first Pink Dot Hong Kong event took place in 2014 and has since become the largest annual LGBT+ celebration in Hong Kong, spanning nearly a decade. The event’s main objective is to increase public awareness of the LGBTQIA+ community, eliminate discrimination, and promote respect for diversity through entertaining, interactive, and educational programs. Each year, the event includes free outdoor carnivals and concerts, providing an opportunity for people to come together, enjoy the festivities, and advance the principles of diversity and inclusion.