為配合香港一點粉紅 2022 “我係咁・敢係我” 的主題,Pinkdot HK今年將會首次發行Pinkiverse NFT系列,限量發行1000隻。每一隻Pinkie NFT頭像的設計都是獨一無二,沒有性別、外型上的界限。擁有此NFT等於擁有在社交媒體上的Pinkie肖像使用權,作為這多元共融的Pinkiverse一份子的身份象徵。
We are launching our very first Pinkiverse NFT Collection (limited edition of 1000 NFTs!) in light of the theme of Pinkdot HK 2022 – “Express Yourself”. Each Pinkie NFT is unique and has no boundaries in gender and appearance. Ownership of the NFT gives you the right to use portrait of a Pinkie on social media! It also symbolizes your status as one of us in our diverse yet inclusive Pinkiverse!
如您有興趣獲取我們的Pinkiverse NFT,現邀請您在以下欄目輸入您的姓名和電郵地址,Pinkiverse NFT將以先到先得形式分配。大會將會在9月30日後以電郵形式把NFT檔案和相關區塊鏈紀錄發送給每一位幸運兒。歡迎各位踴躍參與,並在您的社交媒體上驕傲地分享專屬你的Pinkiverse NFT頭像!
If you are interested to get one of our Pinkiverse NFTs which will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis, please fill in your name and email in the fields below. We will email the NFT file and corresponding blockchain records to every lucky participant. Please support our Pinkiverse NFT campaign and proudly share your Pinkiverse NFT on social media!
有關NFT詳情/Details of NFT:
區塊鏈網絡/ Blockchain Network: OneChain Consortium
NFT代幣標準/ Token Standard: ERC721
作為交易用途/ Tradable: NO
使用權/ Usage right: YES
版權/ Copyright: NO
以下為有關由香港一點粉紅發行的NFT作為香港一點粉紅2022年活動免費虛擬紀念品(“Pinkiverse NFT 系列”)的條款和細則(“條款和細則”)
1. Pinkiverse NFT 系列中的任何NFT均不得用於轉售或商業用途。
2. 每個NFT持有者僅被授予所分配的NFT的使用權,而不被授予進一步從NFT產生圖像而用於任何其他目的的版權。
3. 香港一點粉紅保留對Pinkiverse NFT系列下發行的每個NFT的所有權利。
4. 在您參與抽獎並填上以上所需資料的同時,即表示您理解並同意香港一點粉紅將就發行此 Pinkiverse NFT系列保留和使用您的個人數據,包括姓名和電子郵件,作為是次活動之用,未來有關活動的直接營銷,以及將來與閣下的溝通之用。
5. Pinkiverse NFT系列下所發行NFT的供應將視乎情況而定。
6. 香港一點粉紅保留隨時更改條款及細則、暫停或終止活動的權利,恕不另行通知。
7. 如有任何爭議,香港一點粉紅將保留最終決定權。
8. 如本條款及細則的中英文版本如有任何歧異,一概以英文版本為準。
Terms & Conditions:
Set out below are the terms and conditions regarding the NFT issued by Pink Dot Hong Kong as the free virtual souvenir of the event organized by Pink Dot Hong Kong in the year of 2022 (“Pinkiverse NFT Collection”) (“Terms and Condition”)
1. Each and any of NFT in the Pinkiverse NFT Collection is strictly not for resale or commercial purposes.
2. Each NFT holder is only granted the usage right of the NFT assigned but not the copyright to further produce image from or out of the NFT for any other purposes.
3. Pink Dot Hong Kong reserves all rights to each and every NFT issued under Pinkiverse NFT Collection.
4. By continuing to proceed with applying for a NFT under Pinkiverse NFT Collection, you agree, understand and consent that your personal data, including name and email, will be maintained and used by Pink Dot Hong Kong for the purpose of this Pinkiverse NFT Collection campaign as well as future direct marketing and communication purposes.
5. NFTs issued under Pinkiverse NFT Collection are subject to availability.
6. Pink Dot Hong Kong reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions, suspend or terminate the offers at any time without prior notice.
7. In case of any dispute, the decision of Pink Dot Hong Kong shall be final.
8. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
*任何有關本NFT系列的查詢,歡迎電郵至[email protected]
For any enquiries regarding NFT collection, please feel free to send an email to [email protected]